Inland Fisheries Ireland : National Angling Development Plan

 Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is in the process of preparing a National Angling Development Plan (NADP).  It is envisaged that the NADP will provide criteria, support and proposals to ensure the sustainability of Ireland’s angling resource and the continuing sustainable development of that resource to maximise the benefits (social and economic) to Ireland.  An estimated cost of implementation will be included and the plan will be divisible by species, area, river catchment etc.  

An essential part of IFIs consideration will be how a development plan can be implemented, the resource requirements and how the support of fishery owners, anglers, state bodies and other stakeholders can be garnered so that the sector prospers.

IFI is now seeking input regarding the substance of the plan and submissions are invited which may include: strategies for the development of angling, physical development projects, novice angler initiatives, evaluation criteria of fisheries status by species/discipline type (i.e. what makes a good fishery) and angling/fishery support service requirements; submissions can be formulated on a national, regional or local basis as necessary. Angling projects/initiatives will be prioritised on the basis of their social and/or economic impacts taking into account conservation and biological imperatives.”

Follow the link below for further information: